I just met an old friend for lunch, who also studies here in Wernigerode and for old times' sake, we went to the cafeteria/Canteen for food.
THAT was the offer:
I mean, the way they display is very "disadvantageous" and you can actually get potatoes, rice or/and vegetable with it. But you have to pay for it all. For the salad, for drinks, for vegetables...
I took the "Hefeknödel" on the very right side, because I know from experience that the meat isn't the best and the sauce of the Spaghettis is mostly glutamate and starch!! Mhhh, the sauce was some cherry. Very weird.
BUt anyway, I paid 2,00€ it!! Who either knows my "blog report" on the cafeteria food in Finland OR actually had the (mostly) pleasure to eat in Porvoo, Point house know what an impudence that is!
And then it was all foggy, misty and icy today. At least 5 mm ice on EVERYTHING. Most relevant for me: on cars and sidewalks. Strange how that never happens at home. And because it's so hilly here, it was strange how the car SLIDED into the parking space...hhahaaa realtively uncontrolled...mhhhh
Normally, a proper meal here (incl. a salad and a roll you pay for) would cost around 3,50-4,00 . And the cheapest Pizza around is maybe 4,50...And then "they" (who?) wonder why we either are unhealthy or jsut don't eat here at the university.
P.S.: I just saw this picture of me in Lapland lighting the firplace in Lapland in Dec. 2007. It's jsut the same "I made fire" story as now with this gas oven at Katharina's...
Die Hefeknoedel sind aber auch lecker in der Mensa!