52° 25' N, 10° 8' O
-aka the source of all good and evil-
Schwüblingsen...Jouni would say "Bless you"...(c:
The village where I grew up, my parents live and that I love and hate. There are 610 people living here of which I probably still know more than 50% and of which some are really lovely and others scare me and I don't want to know what they do at night!!
The first official document about its existence is from 1053 (Helsinki 1550) and our church has been build in 1305! There are houses that are about as old as Helsinki and some familie names are here for many centuries, which also accounts for some typcial characteristics of the people living here (maybe in many small villages).
Schwüblingsen is most known for a gold-coated late gothic wing-altar in the chruch, a couple of bigger farmers spezializing in eco-friendly farming and having small shops and events on their farms. Also, a pretty devasting tornado in the summer of 1997 destroyed about 80% of all the nice old trees that very much shaped the "outlook" of the village. For a short time, Schwüblingsen was famous and "sieged" by tv-teams! Otherwise, we got some of the earliest spring-potatoes in Lower Saxony....Mhhh. you see... But as a child it was really great to grow up, we got woods arounds, lakes where we could ice-skate in the winter and my father was the trainer of the childrens gym-group (c;
When you got a car-great. One of the biggest Autobahn is only 5 Minutes away, Hannover about 30 km If you don't - you're screwed. A sloohoow bus goes once an hours to somehwhere in particular..There were only 3-4 younger kids my age and either they didn't like me and mobbed me or I didn't like them for a good reason (like they were mean to me (c:..)
An half an hour bus ride to another village was the daily procedure for most of my school years and that is where I had my friends as well. But nontheless, I love this village and the church and the peple and it is my Heimat (c:
Some impressons of the livelyhood:
Hannover, which is the biggest town around is a very beautiful, modern city but still has a lot of ancienct charme and houses, vast gardens and parks and is at least as well connected as Helsinki. Some impressions from the summertime from a roof terasse where we watched the soccer european championships quarter-final:
Hey Ela,
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Lieben Gruß