The Hotel Vincci Al Kantara was really nice, the half-board buffet food was also really nice. The flight with TunisAir also went well, although I have never seen passengers listening so well to the safety instructions. And also I was a little more suspicious. But the service was good, the landing one of the smoothest in a long time and despite a landing in Leipzig on the way to get more people on board, it was a good flight.
The beach in front of our hotel on the island of Djerba had a lot of alges and was therefore really deserted. But the pool of the hotel was graaand. Best ever and enough sunbeds, so I did not have to go there around 8:00 and reserve it with a towel :D That was, as stated a lot, forbidden anyways!
We did basically lay around in the sun only, read books, did an island-trip and walked a bit. It was very warm, always above 25°, but not a problem with a light wind (c:
There the spontaneity really paid off, because we didn't have the time to buld up expecations..
As a souvenir we bought a camelleather seat-sack or what you might call it. LOVIN' IT.
So, there isn't much to tell because it was a light, lazy, sunny and beautiful holiday. (You can click on the pictures to make them bigger and more clear)
The center of our holiday- the Poooool
Pottery art is a big deal on Djerba
The Alps from the plane
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