Me again,
I forgot to tell about our "great research" project at school!
We try to find marketing mistakes and gaps in the process of a real company.
SO it is actually really cool because you get the impression that your work is practial and might really be applied!! Group-work costs a lot of nerves though...

Guess what it is?!?
It is about (drumroll..) pipe-drainage without trenches (also unterirdische Dränage/Drainage auf Feldern)!!!!!!! -> see picture
Yeah, you run away from the countryside and it will eventually get you anyway...
But this way I can get to Kuopio and see some more of FInland when interviewing famers with this funny guy Jouni (one of the few Finns you actually get to know as an exchange student..). Jouni is a really nice, funny and attractive man- since I am for more openness in the world (c;
Also meine Freundinnen da ist ein guter Grund MICH mal besuchen zu kommen..Obwooohhl, ich habe seinen status noch nicht gecheckt! ("Grund, aber kein Hidnernis" oder wie war das..)
Some of the farmers even speak English, one of them e.g. has a vietnamese wife, because farmers here also have problems finding a wife
So, drainage it will be... (c;
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