As some of you know, my bike got stolen in the beginning of July from in front of my appartment building, even though it was locked in the back-tire!
So, Sami and I went looking for it in the neighborhood because in Finland it seems drunk people have the hobby to just take a bike a couple of hundred metres away or use it to ride to the nearest bus station/railway station. It wasn't anywhere. Then we put flyers to all our neighboring buildings and to the nearest kiosk. Two days later I also reported the theft to the police.
So, the weeks passed without any news on my bike. After the insurance told me that the deductible is higher than amount of refunded, I decided to buy a new bike anyway, to still have one in the summertime! I have already chosen one and the purchase was planned for today.
BUT guess what?!
The thief brought the bike back on sunday, after more than 3 weeks!!!!! A neighbor wrote an sms as a response to a flyer, saying my bike might be behind out building. There is was indeed. And the thief left a letter with it, saying (roughly translated):
"Sorry, that I have borrowed Your bike, I'd like to thank You for letting me borrow it and hope you didn't need it for a longer trip. At least you got it back, I could as well have kept it. I apologize. Sincerely, East-Helsinki youngster"
I was laughing but there is quite some superiority and sneer in it. Unbelievable!
There is nothing much to add. Except that here in Finland it seems to be a bit different: Bikes are not stolen, they're borrowed! You see many unlocked bikes standing around in deserted and unusual places. Well, the bike it back and and I guess such a thing- honest but cowardish only happens in Finland. And "Good happens to good people"...
When I told the police about it, this was their email response:
Hello Manuela!
This was a best thing ever! :D We have never seen something like this so thank you very much for informing us about the way you got your bike back.. there must be "honest criminals" still left in Finland.. ;)
haha hammer.
AntwortenLöschenhallo ela - is ga geil...... :D
AntwortenLöschenpass auf, dein handy findet sich auch bald wieder an..... in der hoffnung, dass du kein langes gespräch führen wolstest :D
lg xx