12. Januar 2009

Iceparty time in Germany


since I'm in Germany now and away from Suomi for now, the Blog will change "sides" and switch to English to keep "the Finns" updated....

..It's cold here, colder than it was in Finland. But less comfortable cause it's kinda humiiid )c;

Anyways, me and my friend Ursula went ice-skating on some local lake-area with loads of canals, Spreewaldseen. Although they said in the radio that the lakes were (officially) opened 2 years ago, to me it seems like 10 and I was happy like "Schneekönig" to go iceskating outside public halls!! In the newaspapers it said that thousands of people were on the ice that weekend! There was a tractor-wagon selling Bratwurst and Glühwein (Glögi) and music.....haaachh how great...

The Maschsee, which is the city-lake in Hannover also hadan ice-party. There were, according to the newspaper, 150.000 on the ice during the whole weekend -wohooo

Anyways, I will leave some more news here during the next couple of weeks. I will be back in Finland only in the end of helmikuu )c:

This is education folks, about my home, Heimat, family and friends (c;

P.S.: The blister I got from ice-skating is not good for everyone to see..pretty yak!

Take care

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